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Our Mission

Welcome to the Reedom Elementary!  We are glad that you and your child are a part of our Carolyn S. Reedom family. We are very proud of the educational programs we offer. We intend to do our best to help your child feel safe, welcomed, and excited about learning.


The mission of Carolyn S. Reedom Elementary School is to regard students

first. Our community of learners engages students, families, and staff in a

positive and safe learning environment. We challenge each student to ex-

plore, read, write, and create so they can compete successfully, respectful-

ly, and responsibly in our global community.


Click to play Reedom's School Song

Verse 1:

We are from Reedom, and here is what we do;

       we explore, read, write and create.

We're respectful, responsible and kind.

       That's what makes our school so great!




Explorers!  Explorers!

Exploring today, leading tomorrow.

Explorers!  Explorers!

Exploring today, leading tomorrow.



Verse 2:

Reedom is a school where you make a lot of friends,

       and learn to work together as a team.

We love to come to school because we know

       everything we learn will help us reach our dreams.




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