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Coffee with the Counselor

Coffee with the Counselor—April 20th at 9:30 am in the Dining Hall.

Counselor’s Corner

Greetings, Reedom Families. Our fantastic students here at Reedom Elementary are hard at work learning amazing new things! They are also being upstanding citizens of the school and greater Mountain’s Edge community by practicing our Six Pillars of Character. We are all very proud of the efforts that our students put forth every day!

A big part of the learning and growing process is at- tending school regularly and on time. Please remember, students should be on campus by 9:05 with the tardy bell ringing at 9:15. Also, please remember to send in a note for an absence, up to 3 days after the student last attended school. Our attendance policies and procedures can be found in our Parent and Student Handbook. Please feel free to contact the school should you have any questions and thank you for your cooperation and understanding!

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